
Wii U Release Date Leak? German Amazon Li

pso2 rmtThe German version of Amazon is listing a Wii U release date as well as a price for the next-gen console. According to the site, the Wii U release date could be December 21, 2012 in Europe. Amazon.de has listed the Nintendo Wii U at €399.99, but said the price has not yet been set, so it may be different.Before you add a Wii U to your Christmas shopping list, keep in mind that retail sites are notorious for using place-holder dates for eagerly awaited products, and this is far from a confirmation of the Wii U release date or price. For their part, Nintendo issued a standard statement saying that the company does not comment on rumor or speculation, so there\'s no help there. PREVIEW: New Super Mario Bros. Wii U Preview From E3 2012The official, Nintendo-approved release window is "Holiday 2012." Personally, I think it will come a little earlier than December 21, maybe closer to early Novr or late October. As for the price, your guess is as good as anyone\'s; Nintendo has yet to announce a price for their innovative device. If I were going to guess, I\'d say it will be around $250-300. But, again, Nintendo hasn\'t mentioned the price.What do you guys think: What will the Wii U\'s price be and what date will it come out?ファンタシースターオンライン2 RMT

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